There was a drop dead gorgeous front desk attendant who made me fill out some paperwork and politely asked me to wait in the lobby. It was an A-frame building in a quiet residential area.
I arrived at the clinic around 945a for a 10a appointment. I know this sounds like a nothing-burger of a decision, but as you'll learn soon, it played a role in seeding a bi-sexual curiosity. Instead of the usual workout short, which had inner linings but figured that would be too hot for the day, I ended up going with a casual lounge short that was a bit looser and lighter. After showering I looked at my phone to see the weather, which influenced my wardrobe that day. I remember it clearly - it was a Tuesday morning and the forecast had record heat for the day. She scheduled an appointment at the local physical therapy clinic she had recently went to for a lower back problem and sang their praises in how fast she heeled. I whimpered inside knowing the pain that was around the corner. Hunched over while brushing my teeth in the steamy bathroom, my fiance suggested I go to a sports therapy massage. I had joined a basketball league and it was beating the hell out of my body. Being in my early 30's had started to show aging signs that the body wasn't what it used to be. I woke up so sore that I couldn't even get out of bed.